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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Matthew:
I'm definitely for keeping this informal and eliminating titles and rank beyond Knight and some sort of initiate rank until the proposed member proves they intend to stay. I know that most living history and reenactment groups also have a timeline for acquiring the necessary garb and equipment, in general it seems to be a year to have the basic minimum. In the case of our proposed order I think the minimum should be period pants, shirt, headgear and footwear or at least period-ish, which I would define as does it look appropriate for the period. This rule recognizes this is an expensive hobby that some people need to save up to get a full kit but we don't want to eliminate their interest and possible other contributions. I would agree that movie and other social gatherings should, at least initially, be the groups focus. Stage combat and combat lessons will most likely come out of this naturally. Some one does need to be the leader and I see know reason why it should not be an elected position with Knight Commander as the title. Most crusading orders, like the Tuetonic Knights, elected their leaders in just this way. As for meetings and such, informal can you make it would be best, some of the board members here who might be interested live a long way apart and will not make any sort of regular monthly gatherings and such. Some of us may only see each other at various faires, so having "faire invasions" on certain weekends may be a sort of meeting as well. I see no reason to limit this to solely martial affairs either, knights had a myriad of responsibilies beyond military so we should include other period interests as a way of imitating this. Besides, this would give is just the sort of excuse we need to get dressed up and meet in person to help crituque our individual kits and to help each other work on areas of improvement. Looking at pictures of all of our kits and reading descriptions of our projects is all well and good but nothing beats actually being able to touch and look at the stuff in person.

Sir Wolf:
"Knights of the Round Table"

no Arthur just real knights HAH!


Sir William:

--- Quote from: madmanpsu on 2010-11-04, 23:01:21 ---As for meetings and such, informal can you make it would be best, some of the board members here who might be interested live a long way apart and will not make any sort of regular monthly gatherings and such. Some of us may only see each other at various faires, so having "faire invasions" on certain weekends may be a sort of meeting as well. I see no reason to limit this to solely martial affairs either, knights had a myriad of responsibilies beyond military so we should include other period interests as a way of imitating this. Besides, this would give is just the sort of excuse we need to get dressed up and meet in person to help crituque our individual kits and to help each other work on areas of improvement. Looking at pictures of all of our kits and reading descriptions of our projects is all well and good but nothing beats actually being able to touch and look at the stuff in person.

--- End quote ---

Matthew, good point...and as far as meetings go, we do live in the Information Age, why couldn't we make use of available technologies to hold our meetings?  Here at work, we use something called MeetingOne, but there have to be other software packages like that which won't cost us a thing to use...everyone using a computer would have to have at the least an audio package w/mic so that they could listen and be heard; a webcam if they want to be seen.

For my part, I wouldn't mind doing it that way, although I still feel we should meet in person at least a couple times a year outside of the Faires.  Just a suggestion.  Who knows, this could be big...I'm thinking appearances/demonstrations at local venues, malls or other places (like libraries) which might appreciate a living history type of program.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote --- Also, I'd love to hear some input from some more forum folks who haven't chimed in yet, even if just to say "it's not for me".
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Yeah yeah I hear you! As one of the forumites who haven’t chimed in yet I apologize for my late contribution…been a busy week at work.

I would love to see this happen. I would especially like the combat aspect as well even though my greatest contribution in that aspect would probably be a big mobile pell! :D

Still I have always admired the Knights of Fiat Lux and their charity work and would love to be a part of such a noble endeavor.

On garb, I really don’t think we would need any type of requirement as was previously stated that will essentially take care of itself, after all aren’t we all driven to improve our garb when and where we can?

~ I’ll have more thoughts on this later but work calls me back again!

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I think the points about garb/armor requirements are more to enforce the theme (no stormtroopers, for instance) than to be quality-nazis. It's hard to draw a line in any case though. A good example is the group photo a few posts back. Jon and Jake both have armor from Highland Anvil. It's not functional (it's steel, but about 20 gauge, if not thinner), and is more fantasy than historical. However, it has that "medieval look", and to the unwashed masses they still look like knights. I wouldn't want to exclude them as not being authentic enough. However, if giving a demo with a theme of "come and see what real knight's armor is like", then we'd need much better examples.

--- Quote ---Yeah yeah I hear you! As one of the forumites who haven’t chimed in yet I apologize for my late contribution…been a busy week at work.

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Hehe, yeah these "wall of text" threads can be hard to deal with when you're being kept busy.  ;)

--- Quote ---You could join anyway...judging by the soft kit, at 10 ft few would tell the difference if all of us were together like so

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I think some groups actually have a 20-foot rule. That definitely would cover group photos like that. :)

--- Quote ---Why not simply "The Order of Modern Chivalry"?  That's essentially what we are...unless you want something more jazzy.

--- End quote ---

That could work. Or we could come up with something more snazzy. Any preferences? Do we want it attached specifically to the forum or allow it to have a life of its own? In either case, I can set up a private area on the forum. Members would lose their post-count title in favor of a group title.


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