Main > The Armoury

holy poop batman, KOA 2 for 1 deal

(1/4) > >>

Sir Wolf:

oh i want the money to spend on swords again.

Sir Edward:

Wow, that second deal is really wild. Get the sharp and the training blunt together for the cost of just one? Yipes, that's a great deal!

Sir Wolf:
Dear Santa.....

Sir William:
Right...I already have one of the H/T Bastards...absolutely LOVE it.  2 for 1 is gonna be hard to beat...

Sir Edward:

Actually, for anyone interested in getting into historical combat, that 2-for-1 with the sharp and blunt is a good deal for getting started. You can test-cut with the sharp, train/spar with the blunt, and have them both have a similar feel to each other.

I haven't handled the Tinker swords myself, but this is a good price in any case.


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