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Robin Hood - the latest Hollywood treatment

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Sir Wolf:
ahhhhhhh i shouldn't have read, i shouldn't have read!

Sir William:
Oh, you read the spoiler're no better than I- I do that all the time!  LOL

By the by, someone liked this movie, since Aug 5 it has grossed over $300M USD- combined numbers from the US and abroad.

Sir Edward:

I skipped the spoiler. The warnings sometimes are quite useful. :) Now I just need to go see the darned movie. I keep waiting for Kat and I to have some time at my house, where I have the blueray player.

Sir William:
Yea, I haven't bought it yet...I'm not sure if I will.  I caught it OnDemand- you might want to give it a whirl before purchasing just in case you end up not liking it for some reason.

Sir Edward:
Already bought it since some folks told me it was good. Just haven't had time for both of us to sit down and watch it.


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