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the household and retinue of edward the black prince

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Sir Wolf:

WARNING its a long download pdf. haven't gotten to read it yet

Sir William:
Good stuff man, downloading now.  Did Edward really live to be 46 years old?  I thought he died before he was 20.  Let me read on...thanks for sharing that, Sir Wolf.

You have to take into consideration Paladin, that Edward was leading the army at Crecy at 17 years of age.... :)

Sir William:
Thanks Sir Andrew- that's what I get for not actually reading into it...I just assumed he died in his teens!  So, I shall read futher...

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Andrew on 2010-10-29, 14:48:13 ---You have to take into consideration Paladin, that Edward was leading the army at Crecy at 17 years of age.... :)

--- End quote ---

My times have changed!  A seventeen year-old can't even drive alone in my state.


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