Main > The Round Table
Discussion: Honor
Sir Edward:
Do a vid? Why not?
Honor is... Right thought & right action. It's what you do when things aren't easy. It's your name. It's who you are when no one is there to see it.
It's what you feel leaving you when you do wrong things and before you feel bad. It's what you know you need to fix before you can move on when that happens.
It's that soft voice from within speaking to you that comforts you in the dark when all have left. It keeps you warm then, helps you stand upright and fight for everything that's good and true.
Sir Patrick:
Well said!
Lord Dane:
So in modern terms then ... if 'honor' is "right thought & right action" then that must make it dishonor if it is "left thought & left action." Now that just proves 'conservatives' are the very definition of honor & good-intention & 'liberals' are nothing but dishonorable curs full of malcontent. LOL ;D *APPLAUSE* Thank you. thank you. I'll be here all week folks.
Grand Master Garland:
Personal honor is as important today as ever it was. Unfortunately there appears to be fewer and fewer people who reality check their own. In the past the Church did a great job of instilling a real sense of it through the habit of reflection of conscience and mandatory Confession. I've lived under 2 different honor code systems at military schools. The code is imposed on new recruits because a basic set of rules is necessary for a code to work. One schools honor code in particular is famous, and rightfully so, because the graduates from this school are actively recruited by the combat arms branches for one reason: You can trust everything they say to be the absolute fact. In combat this is obviously an important character trait. The code is simple and has worked perfectly for more than 150 years: "A cadet does not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate those who do." The word lie is expanded to include quibbling. (That would mean nary a man would be left standing if this honor code was imposed upon the U S Congress.) The code is not instilled but rather implanted in this manner...first infringement and your ass is kicked out of the place in the middle of the night. It works great!
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