Main > The Armoury

hafting the pole axe

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Sir William:
Y'know, I remember seeing these sold w/out hafts on some site but can't remember where.  I'm thinking I need to acquire one, too.  I have a running list of weapons, armor and assorted accoutrements that I want...wish I'd hit the lottery already, so I can add the castle and surrounding lands to said list.  lol

Sir Edward:

Yep, they're nice and cheap here:

These aren't the highest quality, but the price is excellent for what you get. I still want one from A&A eventually though (

Sir Ancelyn:
When I win my castle will be moddled on Bodiam castle in southern England.

Sir William:
I'd have to give it more thought...Bodiam Castle is magnificent...but I want somewhat more.  And it wouldn't be huge, you know...gotta think practically w/regard to HVAC.  I mean, sure, a lot of it will be truly medieval but the family's inner sanctum will have state of the art conveniences!

Sir Wolf:
yes i have always loved that one. Carafilly (sp?) as well. i've been to both and they are more awesome in person.


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