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reading list?

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Sir Wolf:
or forum book list ? is there a way to have the patrons list books they have read etc or own. was wondering in case someone has a question about said book someone else could look it up for them etc. for reference, referral, q&a's, etc

Sir William:
I think there's a bunch of threads regarding books (and movies) but no concrete list as of yet in the Library.  I'd be interested in helping put that together if Sir Edward wishes it.

Sir Edward:
Do you mean like a database? Or just a list that someone here can maintain?

For the former, we don't have anything like this currently, but it's not out of the question. For the latter, what one of you guys could do is start a thread (and reserve the first several posts of it), and come back and edit it as new items need to be added, etc. I see people do things like this on other forums. People can post to the end of the thread, but the maintainer of it will edit the first several posts to keep the list up to date. And we can make the thread "sticky" so it stays at the top.

Sir William:
The latter is what I was thinking...a db would be nice but not necessary, unless you start talking about posting the entire book and I'd think the space would be an issue, but you'd know more about that than I.

I'll start the thread if you like, and include all of the book-subject threads for starters....

Sir Edward:

Yep, if you'd like to do that, please go ahead. That's sort of what I was thinking. Like book title, author, link to amazon and a link to a review thread. Something like that.

I'd just make a couple recommendations-- when starting the thread, like I said you'll want to post several nearly-empty replies all at once to reserve the first 5 or 6 messages in the thread in case the list gets very large later.  Also, if you include Amazon links, on the amazon pages they have a "share" button that has a very short permanent URL that can be used. If you just grab the enormous one from the address bar in your browser, those usually stop working a couple months later.


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