Main > The Armoury

oh the agony of the 14th century kit

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Sir William:
Soupcan knees...definitely those first...then your lower body's complete, right?  Plus, you know Allan's quick- you'll have'm in no time.

Sir Wolf:
no i have to have a new set for each time period. i don't like over lapping parts. if i do then i can't have a complete set for each time period. call me weird hehehe.

i am thinking of getting the GDFB padded black chausis and adding leather over them and splinting them. then wearing Allan's knees with them. not sure on if i want full, splinted or gutter greaves w/ mail.

Sir William:
God, I wish I had the chutzpah to do something for every century leading up to the Renaissance...or rather, the money!  How long has it taken you to get to where you are thus far?  Just wondering...I know for my particular kit, its been about 5 years, adding and switching out parts...I have to go with one basic kit with add-ons as I see fit.  Keeps the wife quiet if there isn't TOO much activity going on in the War Chamber.  lol

Sir Wolf:
i dunno how long its taken me. i think I've got about 10 years into them maybe. if i would have been smart in the beginning I prob would be done and not all jacked up like I am now hehehe (meaning bought things i didn't need or weren't period enough etc)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-04, 03:31:49 ---i dunno how long its taken me. i think I've got about 10 years into them maybe. if i would have been smart in the beginning I prob would be done and not all jacked up like I am now hehehe (meaning bought things i didn't need or weren't period enough etc)

--- End quote ---

Well, you can always unload on ebay and make room for more. :)


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