Main > The Armoury

oh the agony of the 14th century kit

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Sir Wolf:
should i go 1330s-1340s

or 1350s-1360s

Sir Patrick:
I'm partial to 1330-1340 myself.  Either way, it's going to be tough tracking down a dead lion to stand on. ;D

Sir Wolf:
i am thinking more of the later.

helmet w/ aventail:

Coat of Plates: (but with my own flair)

attached spaulders to rerebracers to single lame elbows to full cannon vambracers with beseguews and roundel fans.

visby style gauntlets attached to glove.

mail hauberk 3/4 sleeve riveted.

aketon/thin gambeson.

leather internal splinted chausis.

soupcan knees.

mail chausis.

gutter greaves.

simple lamed sabetons.

Sir Wolf:

Sir Patrick:
I like that helm.  What kind of flair did you have in mind for the COP?  BTW, I have very much admired that kit on armor archive for quite a while, and look forward to seeing your take on the period.


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