Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


<< < (133/187) > >>

Sir Edward:

That's a lot of background sound anyway. If we wanted to edit these into a longer video later, we'd re-do the audio for sure, or just silence it and put music over it or something.

Awesome. :)

Mike W.:
I would love to see you try skiing in the harness!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2014-03-16, 02:24:07 ---Were you planning on dubbing in the vacuum cleaner noise later?  I have the exact same vacuum cleaner and I know it makes a ton of noise!   ;)

--- End quote ---

Yep, I just put up a quick one for now. Possibly meme it up a bit and also splice the 3 clips together, and maybe add a few more when I get a chance. Vids were done 6 months ago but I forgot about them.

Sir James A:
Can't embed it again.... https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/10009314_10202405805961251_964944012_n.jpg

Mike W.:


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