Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-03-13, 01:56:52 ---Book of Faces seems to have killed embedding somehow?
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If I did that on the LIRR, they'd arrest me in a heartbeat. :o
Sir Nate:
--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-13, 02:42:49 ---I'm tempted to do that on the DC metro one day
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That will be on the news.
"Crazy man attempts to board public transportation in medieval armor"
Then theres just going to be one stupid reporter that says
"Someone got off the mayflower in the wrong spot"
Sir James A:
I was sorting through some pictures for something else and found some short videos I realized I never uploaded. So I posted them now. :)
I present: "Sir James does mundane stuff in armor - on video"
(I don't know why this previews sideways but it plays correctly)
Sir Nate:
That was art James. Pure art
Sir Rodney:
Were you planning on dubbing in the vacuum cleaner noise later? I have the exact same vacuum cleaner and I know it makes a ton of noise! ;)
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