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Sir William:
One of the hardest things for me to find has always been period footwear that I LIKE.  I kinda like the look of Sir Edward's and Sir Blackfoot's not a fan of turnshoes, they look very uncomfy.

Your thoughts, knights?

Sir Edward:

I have a set of very simple turnshoes that I haven't used yet, because, well, they're very simple. :) The medieval ankle boots I got from Revival Clothing were great until the soles fell off, without making it through one season. Durability aside, they were very comfortable. Revival has a different set of similar boots available now, so I'm curious to see how they compare. The Revival ankle boots aren't 100% period, but they're pretty good.

Otherwise, what I've used previous to that is a pair of Sandlar boots from MDRF. They're not very period, but to the unwashed masses they look medieval. They're also durable, water proof, and comfortable. I just bought a set of ankle-high boots from them as well that I'll start wearing under the chausses with my kit. Since they'll mostly be hidden from view, I don't care much that they're not as period as my Revival ankle boots.

Unless you make them yourself or find someone who makes completely period footwear, most of what you'll find are either modern interpretations or are approximations.

Sir William:
So I've noticed...I've looked at some of the higher end ones like Revival, Armlann (these two were the first to come to mind) but I've had a hard time convincing myself that I need $300+ boots to round out my kit.  I currently wear a pair of cavaliers, probably from MRL but don't hold me to that, cost me $90 5 years ago and they're still going strong, zippered ankles and all.  lol

This is one of the last-last items on my list, if I don't get them even next year, I won't be too put out.  I'm more concerned with the more visible aspects you know?  Still, I wanted to know if any of you had some ideas.  Making them's not an option for me, I don't have the patience.

Sir Brian:
I just purchased my second pair of these boots earlier this season...

Although not authentic they are very versatile as they advertise and reasonably durable and perfect for wearing under greaves. I got three hard seasons out of my first pair and still wear them when I go in pirate garb since they have the well seasoned look to them now! ;)

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote ---We still have a good supply of the Norse 2 toggle shoes in regular sole and turnsole in stock ready for immediate shipping. We have these in a Natural leather that can be dyed by you to your specs, or we have a Golden Brown color that is very nice looking.

14th Century shoes are on order, in Black, Brown and Natural.

Check out the site, if you see the shoe in your size, it is in stock. Thanks.


Viking Leathercrafts
--- End quote ---

keep an eye on this place. they are reselling those shoes and boots i told you about earlier in the forum links from asia. really good prices


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