Main > The Armoury

Your Ultimate Kit

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Sir William:
I give you greetings, milords.

Conall's thread about fine helmets put to mind the assemblage of the ultimate kit.  If money were no object, what would you get, who would make it?

I'll start.

1. A flat-ringed wedge-riveted Norman hauberk by Erik D. Schmid - for those of you who aren't familiar (and all of you have probably heard this name before, certainly Bill has as this guy's on SFI) this guy is a demon for historical accuracy w/regard to mail and he is well-versed in the subject.  This hauberk would come with an integral coif.

That by itself would probably break my little bank...but it would suit me from the Conqueror's time all the way up thru the Crusades I'd imagine.  Something I've always fantasized about, this full-on hauberk.  Saw one on sale on eBay once, it was butted though.  Went for less than $500 too if I recall correctly.

I can't come up with a suitable plate armor choice...I mean, you can't just toss any old plate on top of that, it'd have to be top of the line, right?

I look forward to your responses!

Sir William:
Guess you guys already got yours then, eh?  lol

Sir Edward:

Heh, I'm waiting for everyone else to talk about it. :) The truth is, my kits will never be done, and I'm constantly on a quest for cost-effective ways to improve it, which is hard because I'm picky. I agree, if I could afford it, hiring Erik D. Schmid would be the way to go. For plate armor, I'd want Robert MacPherson to do it since he has the same kind of obsessively accurate approach. As to what it would look like? I have no idea, because I like so many different things. I'd need like 5 or 10 different kits. :)

Sir William:
I think we're in full agreement, however- if you could only have ONE, what would it consist of?  I'm checking out Mr. MacPherson as I do love a man who is obsessive about his craft- usually, they tend to be better at it than their contemporaries.

I especially like his Field and Tilt armor, in the style of Anton Peffenhauser; I would go with that, but I have to say, your buddy that crafts his own armor, I'd want something of his too.  His stuff was just wildly attractive to me. time consuming (not to mention money)...but it is something I consider more important than a hobby...I'd wear it every day if it were acceptable at my job and society-at-large. 

Sir Wolf:
for those that don't know Mac is the worlds leading armourer. he has more stuff in museums than they have finds i think heheheh.


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