Main > The Round Table

Another modern code of chivalry

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Sir William:
Or, Sir BlackWolf's 'lil bit o'sunshine'!  I hate jerks, even when I'm being one!

Sir Edward:

That's true, I'm forgetting that in the armor, you can beat someone senseless and not leave as many marks, other than the armor bites. :)

Sir William:
Well, in this day and age, I would think that to be sufficient no lasting injuries, but a lot to think about in terms of pain- bruises, armor bites, general soreness from hitting the ground backside first?

Hey, if we see one of those recalcitrant knights, I'm all for stripping him down to his undergarments and beating him with the flats of our blades right out of the town gates.  lol

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-10-14, 14:29:38 ---
Yep, I'm in full agreement! In fact, it's my wish that everyone who gets into kitting up as a knight should take it seriously enough to be honorable men. It would be very disappointing to hear of a kid going to the renfaire, hoping to meet a knight, only to be shrugged off by some inconsiderate jerk in fine armor.
--- End quote ---

Wearing armour is a little like wearing a Santa suit;  There's just some things you CAN'T do in them.

Sir William:
At the very least, should we all know, the base and cowardly knight was not just a literary construct.  lol


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