Main > The Great Hall

A brief into

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Sir James A:
Hello, just joined the forum and thought I'd post an introduction.

I've been a fan of knights, weapons, armor, and dragons since I was a little boy. I became a fan of fair maidens a bit later in life. I've tried my hand at making armor, and, it didn't go very well. I spent a season doing SCA heavy combat, but it seemed a bit "off" for what I was hoping for.

I've got a collection of mostly wall hangers, with some functional weapons. I'm working on finishing off a gothic harness that I started on last year, on fixing up my old SCA combat armor, and (very!) impatiently awaiting arrival of a 15th century-esque harness that I commissioned from Baron Alail; it should be done mid-to-late Jan 2011.

Seems there are quite a few members around Northern Virginia. I grew up there for 27 years before relocating just over the border, where houses are cheaper and taxes are lower. I still go down there a few days a week for work, though.

I think that should do it for a "brief" intro. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Sir James and welcome to the forum!  I hope you will find us all here to be kindred spirits in our pursuit of all aspects of chivalry and the era in which it was born!  :)

Sir Edward:

Well met and welcome to the forum!!

Sir Patrick:
Welcome to our fellowship, good sir!

Sir Wolf:


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