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Photos of us from random strangers

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Sir Edward:

This one was posted to facebook. Sir Brian and myself going over some techniques with the wasters at the Hollow Earth booth.

Sir Edward:

From 2008:


"Two knights on the way to a joust.

In case you were wondering, no - these knights were not sexy. In fact, the one on the left looked a bit like a silver Storm Trooper.

Hey, why is it whenever I say or type or hear the word "knight" I think of Monty Python? "


Sir Brian:
me not sexy?   :'(

But I can throw a mean zwerchau!  :P

Sir Edward:
Looking over that guy's page, I don't think he was being a very nice guy at all. He commented on the "eat sh** and die" look that Angie gave him. If she was doing that, then he was being a creep about how he was taking his pictures. And the whole page is making fun of people.

Sir Brian:
Yeah it was actually a woman's blog and she isn't exactly one to talk about other people's looks considering her face.


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