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Fabric Linen sale

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Sir William:
Oh wow...what'll I do with this material?  I'm no seamstress...and the one I do know of, has never made anything medieval so I'd rather she try her hand using lesser materials...still, thanks for sharing Sir Wolf.  I can always dream about such a surcoat.  lol

Sir Wolf:
i would say order the fabric and contact Sir Edwards future sister in law (tee hee that sounds funny after all these year) and see what you can work out for her to make you something! she's gggggggreat

Sir Edward:

Yep, like I said, I don't know what her schedule is like. She does an awesome job, but doesn't need to advertise because by word of mouth she gets more work than she has time for. She's in the wonderful position of being able to turn down work. :)

Sir William:
Maybe Sir Edward will provide the introduction so that I may pose that question one day?  I would like to have a full-on silk/linen surcoat...but what colors/devices should I use?  Thankfully, I have time to think about it.  This'd like the ultimate tho.  At least until the next one happens along!

Sir Edward:
Yep, we can ask her about it.

But yeah, you'd definitely need to figure out all those details. :) It took me a while to settle on my heraldry. We drew up over 40 shield designs, and gradually narrowed it down to about 5, then I got stuck for a while. I wanted to be sure I was happy with it before committing it to paint.


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