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Knight Pages

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Sir William:
Thanks...not too long?

Sir Edward:
I think it just depends on how complete you want the story to be. I've only read half, but then I'm in the middle of like 5 things at work... lol :)

BTW, I added facebook "like" buttons on the individual knight pages, and also updated the page titles to be the name of the knight as it's displayed (a little more search-engine friendly).

Sir William:
Awesome...think I'm just gonna add to it as I get the inclination to do so (or someone requests it).  One fun thing I used to do on other boards (and this is someone else's idea originally, I'm just making use of it here) is to have a running 'RPG' so to speak, making use of historical battles and personalities and re-writing history, in a sense.  Could be good fun; I notice most of you guys seem to have a firm grasp of the English language as well as a love for all things medieval.  Just a thought.

Last one I wrote for was the Battle of Bannockburn; I even kept the turn-based events if any of you are interested to see how it turned out.

Sir Wolf:
hey wow that sounds cool man! err Sir Knight hehehhe

Sir Brian:
Excellent backstory Paladin! Well done indeed!  :)


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