Main > The Round Table
My New COA
Sir Brian:
After purchasing the dupioni silk fabric and bias tape from Hancock fabric the other day, my executive producer (my wife) strongly suggested that I hire someone to make my new surcoat – Considering that I have approximately $110.00 in material invested thus far (linen, silk and bias tape) I am inclined to agree with her, so I am now on a quest for a seamstress/tailor which won’t be an easy task especially since my first foray into that particular outsourced services was a royal PITA! :-\
Sir Edward:
Maybe we'll have to have you talk to my wonderful seamstress who made my nobles. I don't know what her schedule is like, but I'm sure she'd do an amazing job on it.
Sir Brian:
Really? Well she does magnificent work! Are they going to be there Sunday?
Sir Edward:
I'm guessing they'll be there this weekend. I don't remember them mentioning any other plans. I don't know how much she'll charge. If you have the material, it would just be labor. You'd have to work it out with her.
Sir William:
Are you guys going this weekend?
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