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SCA census
Sir Edward:
Interesting discussion on the Armour Archive that was spawned out of the SCA census:
They're discussing ideas about inter-kingdom awards that are below the "peerage" levels (they use the term "peerage" for nobility, royalty, and the orders of knights, laurels (arts and sciences), and pelicans (general service), though historically I believe it was meant just for nobility).
It seems like the existing structure, and some of the hard and fast traditions and beliefs within the SCA will make it unlikely that they'll ever expand the system of knighthood to include other martial activities than just the "heavy" rattan armored combat. This is unfortunate. I know at least one kingdom is experimenting with steel combat, for instance, which I hope has a greater chance of following historical sword arts. Their "light" combat (rapier) is discussed a lot in the thread, in regards to the White Scarf award. But of course, within the SCA culture, light combat is looked down upon in a way. Not specifically in a derogatory manner, but more like the red-headed stepchild to the heavy martial activities. It's like the chess club in a school where football is all anyone talks about. :)
I think the SCA has a lot to offer and there's a lot I like about what I see, but there are aspects that I find disappointing that are unlikely to change due to heavily ingrained traditions and structures.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-10-14, 20:03:04 ---I think the SCA has a lot to offer and there's a lot I like about what I see, but there are aspects that I find disappointing that are unlikely to change due to heavily ingrained traditions and structures.
--- End quote ---
This sums up my experience and thoughts on it very well. My biggest issue is with the heavy combat being the core of everything, the 'authenticity nazis' who will not only flip if you have stainless steel armor, but if you have cotton instead of linen, etc. There are some who enjoy playing but have limited time and/or resources into period materials, but still try to make a reasonable attempt at period appearance. Owning a few harnesses, I don't have the time (or squire) to fend off rust from all of them, so stainless is a blessing.
The other big thing is the actual combat. It's just, bad. I was at a class led by John Clements, and he called it "stick tag", and I couldn't help but laugh and frown at the same time. How often do we see wraps in period combat? It's almost everrry SCA fight. And they all walk around with their sword slung back over there shoulder, parallel to the ground. I did one year of heavy combat, and it just wasn't fun. I had more fun watching people move about in armor than I did the actual combat portion.
I'm glad they're making an effort, but it's something I've heard they are trying to do over the last decade, and it's still more of the same. I couldn't even stand being on a local kingdom SCA mailing list because it turned into a political pissing contest in less than a month of membership. :(
Sir William:
I would love a live steel group locally...I say that now, before the bruises and broken bones. lol
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-26, 15:41:51 ---I would love a live steel group locally...I say that now, before the bruises and broken bones. lol
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Bruises, yes. Broken bones, not so often if it's done right. :) Injuries still happen of course.
At VAF we practice with steel quite a lot, though we only spar with it occasionally. So far the worst I've had is some knuckle hits that were sore for a couple of days to a couple of weeks, and my blue thumb-nail (subungual hematoma) at WMAW last year. Not too bad all things considered.
Sir William:
How many of you train at VAF? I think knowing you guys are there would set the much-needed fire under my arse to get movin in that direction.
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