Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
SCA census
Sir Edward:
Bill would probably be able to answer better than I can about the number of students, but I'd say on any given week we might have half a dozen students show up to the advanced class. There are more signed up, and of course there's the beginner and intermediate levels, and this is just for longsword. There's the rapier classes too.
Sir William:
I'll be signing up for historical broadsword then as that's what I'm interested in. I need to go to the beginner's class though as I'm a basic newbie when it comes to actually wielding a sword. I'm excited...been wanting to do it for quite some time.
When I asked about students, I meant the knights from Modern Chivalry, or is it just you?
Sir Edward:
Oh yeah, I'm the only student from VAF that posts regularly here. Sword Chick and Das Bill are instructors.
Sir Wolf:
i've never gotten hurt or broken at a live steel event :) its so much fun!
Sir William:
Sir Wolf, tell us more about them...like, when's the next event?
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