Main > The Armoury

Wisby guantlets

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Das Bill:
Those are really awesome, and the price sounds remarkably good. 11 gauge cuffs sounds ridiculously heavy, though, particularly if they're also going to be covered with leather, so you may want to ask if you can get a lighter gauge.

Sir Wolf:
they are pretty sweet. i think i would like some rivets on the cuffs. they look empty

Sir Brian:
Yes to black leather and brass rivets!

lkajsoidjifolf;aldjfldjf ... oops sorry! Some of my drool dropped into my keyboard and shorted some keys out!  :D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2010-09-29, 02:24:17 ---The stiching on these is excellent! Ed is he going to install gloves for the buyer?

--- End quote ---

Allan, what type of gloves did you use in those gauntlets I ordered last year? (The fingered gauntlets  I remember you said you were trying something new. I just want to say, these are really great! I'm wondering if this fellow could use the same sort of glove.

Sir William:
You guys are NOT going to cajole me into going full-plate, I don't care how many pretty pictures you show me!!!  lol


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