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Sir Edward:

Dang it, now it looks like I've been mispronouncing "Hospitaller" (as in, the Knights Hospitaller).

Emphasis belongs on the first syllable. The "a" is almost unpronounced. Very close to the word "hospital" (of course) with an "r" sound tacked on.

I've always pronounced it with the "all" syllable getting the emphasis, and sounding like the name "Al". Ooops.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-02-14, 18:46:29 ---
Dang it, now it looks like I've been mispronouncing "Hospitaller" (as in, the Knights Hospitaller).

Emphasis belongs on the first syllable. The "a" is almost unpronounced. Very close to the word "hospital" (of course) with an "r" sound tacked on.

I've always pronounced it with the "all" syllable getting the emphasis, and sounding like the name "Al". Ooops.

--- End quote ---

I've done the same thing, and as best as I can remember, the couple people I've heard say it have said it the same way too.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-02-15, 15:17:48 ---I've done the same thing, and as best as I can remember, the couple people I've heard say it have said it the same way too.

--- End quote ---

What drew my attention to it was their order being mentioned on the Chivalry Today podcast, where they dropped that syllable altogether, and said it like "Hospitler".  I wonder how widespread the various pronunciations are, and whether our way of saying it is truly wrong.

Sir Matthew:
Chalk one up for me, I've been saying it right, well most of the time anyway. I'll admit I have slipped into saying it differently sometimes from hearing others say it that way. It's kinda like being around someone speaking in an accent and finding yourself drifting into copying the way they talk. Annoying to both you and them, no doubt, but when left to my own devices, I have pronounced it more like Hospitler. Nice to know I wasn't doing it wrong after all.

Sir Wolf:
i always say it as hospi tatler for some reason hehe


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