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Sir Edward:
I added a page with a quick note on the pronunciation of armor terms:

Anything else you think I should add?

--- Quote ---Just a quick note on pronunciation when it comes to armor and other terminology used when discussing knights and chivalry. Most of the words we use to describe the various pieces of armor are actually English words, despite their French appearance. In many cases, this is probably due to the origins of the words being English bastardizations of French, but nevertheless, these words are English and should be pronounced as such.

Examples include "Coif", which is pronounced "koif", not "kwaf". If you check the dictionary, you'll see that it is pronounced as "kwaf" when referring to women's hair, but not in reference to armor.

The words Gorget, Sallet, Bascinet, Armet, and Tasset are pronounced with a hard "T", just like Helmet or Circlet.

When in doubt, pronounce it the way it looks from an English perspective.
--- End quote ---

Sir Wolf:
maybe a misspronoucable bible phonic ehehhe

Sir Edward:

You mean "Maciejowski"? No one can agree on the pronunciation. I'm not touching that one. :)

Sir Brian:
Thanks Ed!

Now I have to re-train myself to properly pronounce gorget with a hard "T" instead of a french "eh" sound!  :P

edited for spelling. I knew how to spell the word but my fingers didn't! :P

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I've had to retrain myself multiple times. It's a pain.

I just updated that page to make a reference to the pronunciation of Wisby as well (with the "V" sound).


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