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The Greatest Knight

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Sir Brian:
I recently acquired this book from the public library and although it is a historical fiction, (I just love that oxymoron! :D) I am enjoying it immensely because it is well written and the storyline flows seamlessly from historical point to point without miring the reader in mounds of tedious factoids.  :)

being that time of year again, with the reading assignments I have, I won't be reading another book for quite some time. Too busy in texts....

Sir William:
LOVED it.  Historical fiction's great when you're burned out on actual the author's ability to mold and shape a believable world does wonders in drawing the reader in.  Think I've read it 3 times already- she uses Crouch for a lot of the historical aspect of Marshal's life (such as there is of it) and makes use of literary license for the rest.  A great read, no doubt.  One of the few books I made my sister return to me after reading it (usually she just gets to keep whatever I've "loaned" her lol).

Sir Wolf:
oooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo Sir's Brian's dirt and smut books! ehhehe

Sir Brian:
I take exception to that innuendo Sir Wolf! ~ At no time in that book is there a hero named “Fabio” ever mentioned!  :D


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