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Mount and Blade: Warband

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Sir Christopher Warren:
Well this looks interesting enough to start over with besides I have overextended myself a bit and have 3 Kingdoms gunning for me and not enough troops to really mount a proper defense for all my holdings against an invading force... let alone 3!

So I figure this would be a good restart.

Sir Brian:
Yeah you kind of chose the hardest path to follow in the game, that of a conquering usurper. It can be done but it is difficult and best left to an uber-high level character with plenty of denars.  The diplomacy mod does make it easier though, which I intend to find out by pursuing this very path on my current game. I haven’t tried to establish my own kingdom since that feature became possible in the original Mount and Blade.  :)

My basic plan is to find and develop my corps of companions to include equipping them and myself with the best arms, armor and horses. Then I intend to curry the favor of some of the more renowned nobles in each faction. Then when I can field a large army of elite troops I will wait until one of the factions is being swarmed by two or more other factions and take one of their towns to establish a stronghold then work from there. My anticipated schedule to capturing my first town is around 300 days into the game in which I’m currently at day 20. The schedule really all depends on how quickly I find my companions and develop them into something usable.  ;)

Sir Christopher Warren:
Yeah I was able to build a rather strong base fairly quickly by building renown and making money in tournaments. Then of course making friends with several lords. The thing I neglected was the "Right to Rule." Which I only had around 20 points when I took my first city. At first it was ok but about a month in and having gained a second city and a castle I was spread too thin and was unprepared for the onslaught. So yeah...right to rule...big deal.

Sir Ulrich:
I loved this game it was exactly what I wanted, only issue my graphics card is broken and I can't play it. Shame...

Sir William:
I take it this is a PC-only game?  Man I would love to play.  Reminds me of Bladestorm: Hundred Years' War; you start as a mercenary captain and you build up troops and troop-types for varying situations.

Of course, I built up my knights and eventually led a conroi into every engagement with resounding success-  nothing like leading an entire host into the flank of the enemy and watch them scatter and fall...good times, yes.

Just checked, PC only...damn.


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