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Hail friends

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Sir Christopher Warren:
Hello all,

My name is Christopher (or Chris) Warren. I stumbled across your forum here while doing some family heraldic research and immediately became entranced with its content and community. So thank you for the acceptance.

Some of my interests include the study of heraldry, martial arts, arms and tactics, literature, art, and other forms of expression. I am also interested in the practice and philosophy of chivalry and the warrior ethic. I also enjoy good discussion and debate.

I also currently serve in the US Navy as a helicopter crewman and have an interest in Naval heritage, warfare and specifically aviation.

I look forward to meeting everyone and having some good discussions.

Very Respectfully,
Sir Christopher

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!!

Sir Wolf:
huzzah and welcome to the forum

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met Sir Christopher and thank you for serving in our nation's armed forces!
Welcome to the forum and I hope I get to meet you in person someday!  :)

Welcome good sir....


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