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Spammers vs new members
Sir William:
Spammers...why don't they just join and expand their little minds?
Sir Edward:
Well, I think it worked. I haven't seen a single bot sign up since adding those little questions.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-03-03, 04:06:33 ---
Well, I think it worked. I haven't seen a single bot sign up since adding those little questions.
--- End quote ---
I'm trying switching the forum back to self-activation for new members. That means they just have to click through on the email that the forum sends them to get activated. I still haven't had a single bot try to sign up since adding the sign-up questions, so we can give this a try again.
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-03-29, 20:43:59 ---I'm trying switching the forum back to self-activation for new members. That means they just have to click through on the email that the forum sends them to get activated. I still haven't had a single bot try to sign up since adding the sign-up questions, so we can give this a try again.
--- End quote ---
.... and now we're making changes again. Apparently adding all these methods of verifying that it's a real person is starting to confuse people. The last two people to try to sign up haven't been able to complete the registration for some reason. It always works when I test it though.
So. I took out the "spin the pictures to be upright" thing, and am using a slightly weaker CAPTCHA that's easier to read. The "trivia" questions thing is still there. So until we see whether or not the spam-bots can figure this out, we're back to manual approval of new members.
Sir Edward:
...and now another spammer made it through. Wow. Making changes again.
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