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recent projects

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Sir Wolf:
I have been tinkering on the shop with some old projects. I didn't make the gauntlets but I had to clean them up, make new thumbs, attach the gloves and strap them.  the arms and legs are projects started a few years ago that I needed to get finished for my buddy (long over due on my long list of things to do). looking back I would have done a few things differently but they were a learning step. (Maybe articulating the elbows, finer detail on the pieces connecting, using hinges for the closures, haveing better sanding/polishing tools to give a better appearance, having better material(Steel to use) etc etc.) Today I strapped the arms as well as attached them together. Tomorrow I will be strapping the legs as well as making an demi greave to go on the bottom of the knees to overlap the top of the greaves.

Once these are done I am going to work on a early coat of plates for myself (the one with the vertical plates that go around the belly).  I have the shell sewn and the plates cut and the holes punched. I just need to grind the edges and shape them




these were a few pieces more that I had made him a few years ago to go with his suit:



Sir Wolf:
ok well. I can't sleep yet.  so I went ahead and cut out all of the strapping for the legs. as well as the demi greaves and the last 2 plates for my coat of plates.  I can't do any forming or hole punching due to my shop is right under my daughter's bedroom.

here is a picture of the inside of the coat of plates.  now remember I have to grind the sharp edges of the plates as well as sorta round each overlapping plate. then rivet them onto the shell and add buckles.

Sir Wolf:

finished strapping, demi greave and shaping the bottom of the greaves so they don't cut into the feet.  unsure if I will be adding a keyhole in the demi greave and a rivet into the greave or not. depends on how they fit him.

Sir Wolf:
any thoughts or suggestions? I mean I know it's not Merc Tailor of Historic Enterprises. hehehehe I have learned though I tend to have forgotten things that I remembered after I already did that part hehehe. I guess I'm a bit rusty

Sir Edward:
Looking good dude! Man, you'll have to show me how to do some of these things just so I can make adjustments to my own armor!


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