Main > The Armoury

Ed's Mid 14th C. kit

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Sir Wolf:
oh really? shame you had someone break into your house and steal your armour and weapons like that while you were gone

hehehehe evil grin hehehe jkjk

Sir Brian:
Again?!? Wow that really is some rotten luck there Ed…btw anyone want to see my newly 'acquired' Albion Crecy?

Sir William:
Hey, I just found a Landgraf in my shed...who put that there?  :o

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-16, 12:51:24 ---you know, Merc Tailer is having a sale on his greaves right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get them quick!!

--- End quote ---

And I should have pics of them in a few days I hope. Supposed to be shipped this past weekend. :D

Sir William:
Which ones did you get, James?  The cased ones?  I think you mentioned that at the knighting ceremony.  I owned a pair of his plate greaves and decided on the splinted ones (which you saw) - but I think I liked the plate ones better.  The splinted ones are pretty...and also pretty heavy.  Not so bad with the bracers but the greaves...I bought boot straps with a thick leather face to offset some of the weight of the greave as it can drive into the top of your foot, which can be most uncomfortable, especially when walking.


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