Main > The Armoury

Ed's Mid 14th C. kit

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Sir Edward:

This is expensive, but probably also unlined. It looks pretty cool though.

Sir Wolf:
those are two kits to really aspire to! let me know if u need help

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-06-03, 19:10:27 ---Well, I had a chance to actually fight in this kit last night. It performed pretty well, but it's clear I need to get that torso armor over the mail. Bill and I talked about the idea of using the GDFB simple breastplate, and take the plackart off, and use it like a cheap globose breastplate. So I have one on order now from KOA. I'm going to give that a shot.

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hey, ask someone (sword chick?) who has one to look and make sure there are no weld marks on the inside!!! sometimes people use rivets but also spot weld them together in  a few places to extra hold.  it will be no problem for us to get the 2 apart when you come up hehehe or i can make it down again :)

can i have the plackart? ehhehe for pattern making anyways. hehehe

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-06-03, 19:10:27 ---This one is listed as "out of stock", but is still an option, and comes with padding and strapping, just no aventail:

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Last I heard, ArmorAndCastings isn't taking any armor orders due to restructuring of their armory. They had a few things I wanted (helm and gauntlets) but stopped selling them months ago. I'm not sure if they are currently taking orders, but if everything on the site still says "out of stock", they aren't. :/

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-06-03, 19:10:27 ---

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For some reason, I want to say that his name is Edward as well .. Edward Haille, maybe? The picture is very familiar, and I have it saved in my armor folder too. I really like that kit.

Sir Wolf:
looks mostly of merc tailor except the helmet. i really think a good surcoat will make or break a kit


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