Main > The Campaign
interesting group
Sir Patrick:
I shouldn't say they require huge chunks of time, it's just the days they meet, and the days they perform absolutely don't work for me (I cannot stress how much I hate working Saturdays!!). At the faire, they usually have an encampment where they have living history going on, and then they do live steel demonstrations throughout the day. Very educational and very entertaining.
Sir William:
Who does work on Saturdays? LOL
If you do, Red Knight, then my condolences to you good sir!
Sir Patrick:
I could've been a condender! :'(
Sir Ulrich:
Maybe I should join, but my outfit is a Templar knight outfit, could easily just order myself a Hospitaller surcoat and work it from there.
Sir Wolf:
do ittttttttttttt. do ittttttttttttttttt!
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