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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-09-14, 15:15:25 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-09-14, 15:13:00 ---... and as long as the White Stag hunt doesn't turn into a huge drama, with a knight hating his wife for the rest of the weekend. :)

--- End quote ---

I LOL'd when I read that...I take it that this has happened previously?

--- End quote ---

No, not recently. :) Actually I was poking fun at one of the Chretien de Troyes stories that Sir Wolf and I had both read recently. Sir Erec (of King Arthur's court) gets caught up in a huge drama after a White Stag hunt, in which the winner of the hunt (King Arthur in this case) gets to kiss the most beautiful woman there. The knights are ready to kill each other over which of their ladies is the most beautiful. Sir Erec finds and weds Enide, who is so beautiful that there's simply no contest (and settles the debate), but then later he ends up hating her because she clues him in to people talking behind his back. They eventually settle things, but wow, what a strange story. :)

Sir William:
Huh...I've never heard that one.  Of course, I should read Chretien de Troyes, just never got around to getting a copy; sounds most interesting so its on my list of books to get.


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