Main > The Armoury

Tourney Helm

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Well we are off to Azincourt this week, then the weekend after is a knights tournament in Belgium.  ;D ;D
For the tournament we all have to have the full regalia so I had to quickly throw a tourney helm together. It`s not the best Helm in the world as I would have prefered a Pempridge Helm. ::)
Here are a couple of Photographs to see what you think. I`m not sure if I prefere the lining faced in or turned out as in the last picture.  ??? I`ve still got to do a little detail painting on the lion yet.


Sir Wolf:
woah thats awesome!!!!!!!!

i'm with ya, not sure which i like better. the lining showing does make a nice contrast

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2010-07-13, 22:10:18 ---

--- End quote ---

Looks great!

Sir Brian:

Excellent! Well done indeed!

I agree with Sir Wolf that the turned out look is better.  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-07-14, 11:24:49 ---I agree with Sir Wolf that the turned out look is better.  ;)

--- End quote ---



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