Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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Sir Wolf:
sometimes i am having issues with the pages loading and posting times.  it happens more at my moms house who has a dial up connection  but i still have had a few times at home on my cable modem were some of these pages take there sweet time loading. its weird. jsut thought i would let ya know.

anyone else having any issues?

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I've noticed it taking some time to load forum pages sometimes. Haven't found a reason for it. The server is not overworked, the database is responsive, other web pages on the server come up in a snap. Perplexing.

Sir Edward:
I've made a couple tweaks. I was suspecting DNS hostname resolving latency, so I've told the forum not to do lookups, and also switched to faster servers to do the lookups against when they do occur. Hopefully that'll help.

Also, apparently email sent by the forum wasn't working either. I think I have that fixed.

Sir Edward:

I think the changes I made worked... it's been very quick all day. How does it look to you?

Sir Wolf:
yes, it loads much better at work now with their dial up.


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