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Prince Valient

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-07-04, 02:32:32 ---I just watched it tonight. You know, it's completely 100% historically accurate, and you can tell by all the horns on the Viking helmets. :)


--- End quote ---

Yep, I've got documented proof right here that shows viking helmets had horns! :P

Sir William:
Is this the 1997 one with Stephen Moyer as Valiant and Katherine Heigl as Ilene?  If so, I want to see that- didn't even know they made another one beyond the animated stuff...good lookin out fellas.

Sir Edward:
Actually, the one I was talking about was the 1954 version, with James Mason, Janet Leigh, and Robert Wagner.

Sir Wolf:
I never saw the 97 version, how is it? i remember when it came out but never got to see it, nor saw it for sale on DVD or VHS

Sir Edward:
I'd like to see the '97 version, but Netflix doesn't seem to have it.


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