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Kit Confusion

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Sir Ancelyn:
I had a great time at the faire today, meeting everyone, playing with pikes, listening to a medievel hippie singer, but even the lowly pirates still outshone me. So it is time to get a kit together.  The time period I am shooting for is a few decades either side of 1400. 

First, I'm not buying arm and leg armor or sabotons just yet, maybee later. I am thinking about a breastplate and a hounskull helm.

Second, can I skip the doublet for now or is it essential to hold up hose or braies? And really, with joined hose who would see the braies anyway? I could wear fish patterned boxers and nobody would even know. :-D

Third, does anyone have a strong opinon on the historical value of wearing a haubergeon over gambeson if I will be wearing a breastplacte anyway?

Mail Coif, essential or optional? Either way I will need to pad the inside of the helmet or risk acting like a bell clapper.

Did I forget anything?


Sir Matthew:
Wow, lots of questions and that is a good thing.  I would suggest that you begin doing research into the type of armor you are considering first.   The period you are shooting for has a variety of armors still being used, which is an advantage, and depending on the area you wish to portray yourself as coming from you may have alot of options.  To answer a few of you questions, what you wear under your armor depends mostly on how historically accurate you wish to be and also comfort.  I portray a person with a more "middle class" background and I try to be as historically accurate as I can.  Thus I wear a period appropriate shirt and gambeson under my armor.  I do not wear a doublet, even though in the period I am portraying currently (Elizabethan, later 1500's) the arming doublet was in common usage.  The reason is, I originated in the midlands of England and learned my trade serving the Border Rievers.  They are well know to be somewhat backward in the armor employed, at least by their common soldiers.  Plus, in an age where heavy armor was on the decline, I continue to wear a Brigandine which was a style on the way out.  I also generally wear a kettle helm, another kind of throwback piece of armor, with a mail coif and padding.  If you wish to wear mail, in my opinion an arming cap is essential.  My general advise is to talk to those of us in armor at the faires you attend in person and bounce ideas off us, it is much easer to work things out in person.  Also, if you saw Norm at VaRF, people like him are imense sources of knowledge, use them.  While you are putting together your kit, don't be in a rush to look cool.  Take your time and buy quality stuff that fits you right physically and personae wise.  Also, don't get so caught up in the armor that you forget the little things, like period correct pants and footwear.  To me, nothing looks worse than seeing a guy wearing beautiful plate armor with jeans and sneakers.  I hope this is helpful to you and good luck.  Be aware that once you begin, it never stops.  I'm currently hard at work finishing up my "light" kit, padded armor with a gorget for a 16th century musketeer personae.  I'm also already in the early planning stages for the heavy padded armor I intend to make in the off season for next year.

Sir Ancelyn:
Funny you should mention the Border Reivers laddie, Clan Elliott was one of the worst of the lot; in short we did what Robert The Bruce had in mind. ;D

As I mentioned, I am holding back on most armor for now. But a helmet and breastplade don't seem unreasonable. Yes, I still need to do more research. As for my locality, I have left that vague for now to allow me time to look around.  Indeed, why choose a locality outside of Great Britain anyway.  Lots of people must have been evasive about their origins for a plethora of reasons.

Sir Ancelyn:
Here are a couple of hounskull helmets on eBay.

The dummy in the second item has a very believable mustache.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Ancelyn on 2010-05-30, 01:25:59 ---Funny you should mention the Border Reivers laddie, Clan Elliott was one of the worst of the lot; in short we did what Robert The Bruce had in mind. ;D

As I mentioned, I am holding back on most armor for now. But a helmet and breastplade don't seem unreasonable. Yes, I still need to do more research. As for my locality, I have left that vague for now to allow me time to look around.  Indeed, why choose a locality outside of Great Britain anyway.  Lots of people must have been evasive about their origins for a plethora of reasons.

--- End quote ---

You got that right! btw, I don't know if you realized it or not but Sir Andrew is a decendant of Clan Elliott.  ;)


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