Main > The Great Hall

i suppose it's time to introduce.

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Casey D:
hello, all.

my name is casey (but in all honesty, call me whatever you'd like. i've been known to answer to haru, leif espen, capitan awesome, and family size haha) my interest is mostly norse (viking is a verb, not a nown lol to go iviking was to go raiding, and can be translated as "a-seaing" or "a-warring") but also gothic and other periods, expanding to just about all of them, but primarily scandinavian.

i'm superbly interested in crafting weapons and armor. having experience only in the former, i'm now attempting the latter, as to having a lack of forge. and money. haha. i'm a registered member on , and encourage all here to check those forums for any blade related needs. i don't exaggerate when i say the most amazing bladesmiths in the world are regulars, including the man responsable for the lord of the rings swords.

my favorite books are the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy, go rin no sho (book of 5 rings), and How To Be a Gentleman.

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum! You'll definitely find armor enthusiasts here. :)

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Welcome to the forums!

Sir Wolf:
here here well spoken bruce

Casey D:
good on ya, brodhir ulf!


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