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VARF - 2010

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Sir Brian:
Sir Blackwolf it was a great pleasure to see you and your lovely lady at VARF. I do apologize for my late reply on this topic but it has been a bit hectic getting caught up on the homefront as well as work!

That hotel you mentioned I believe is the very same that Sir Andrew and Lady Constance stayed at the year before last and yes it is about as close from the South as we are from the North of the MDRF. There are many great resturants we all can go to throughout the general area of the hotel as well as near the MDRF itself.

Sir Edward:
It was a great pleasure meeting you as well! I too must apologize for my late reply. I'm changing jobs, and spent the week training my replacement at the old one.

I had a great time this weekend, and just wish we had taken more time to interact. There will of course be more opportunities throughout the year.

You're most welcome, Sir Blackwolf. My stand serves me well and I will be assembling another one in the weeks to come for another set of harness I have. Yes, our little house has served a lot of folk extremely well, and we are gracious to have have such esteemed folk pass through our doors.... ;D

Sir Brian:
Anyone plan on attending the last day of VARF? Rosemary and I will be there although I won't be in armor @ 93 degrees with 70% humidity!   :P

Sir Edward:

It looks like I'm not making it this weekend. I'll probably spend some time down at Stonetower on Saturday, and Sunday I'm heading for a business trip.


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