Main > The Armoury

Buying a Sword

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Sir Ancelyn:
I love this sword!

The pommel appears solid, aside from the tang of the blade going through it.  The join of the tang to the pommel is not prety, but it looks very solid.

Your perception of the balance point matches my observations nicely.

However, I have not tried to flex the blade more than an inch or two lest I sever it in twain. Inexperience holds me back from trying some things.

Dad suggested I purchase a baldrick for the scabard to allow me to mount it to a wall or my belt.  Surely there must be peasants which are less smelly I could hire to hold my sword for me. ;-)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---Surely there must be peasants which are less smelly I could hire to hold my sword for me.
--- End quote ---

Not in these modern times I regret to say, the blighters are unionized now!  :D


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