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Not yet a knight

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Sir Ancelyn:
My name is Adam and I am interested in Medieval swordsmanship; learning how it was done, and even reenacting. "Hi Adam." I bought some books on the subject and a wooden waster to practice with last year. I even began taking classes, but I closed on a house right in the middle of them so the house came first.

What is my motivation? The romance of the period? Brother Cadfael? Medieval history? Holding a big sword and cutting melons in half? Probably all of those things and more, both real and imagined.

I don't have any gear or even a persona. Given my background it could be anything from Scotland to Provence if I just stayed within ancestral heritage. Even which period or periods of time are not decided yet. Right now I just want to learn and think about possibilities.

Sir Brian:
Welcome to the forum Adam and well met! A fine introduction and I look forward to learning about the age of chivalry and knighthood along with you for are we all not scholars ? Sometimes we are the student and sometimes we are the teacher. :)

Das Bill:
Hi Adam,
What books did you get? I may be able to offer some advice.

Sir Ancelyn:
My first book was "Fighting with the German Longsword." Later on I added "Medieval Swordsmanship, Illustrated Methods and Techniques."  This week I finally broke down and bought "English Swordsmanship" but haven't had time to peruse it yet.

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum!

Yes, many of us come from a variety of different angles and interests. We all find our own path and seek our own direction in these interests.

Has any particular period been of interest, or is it just more of a "swords and armor are cool" sort thing? Personally I've always liked the look and style of 13th-14th Century knights, but I love the Gothic plate armor as well. But I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge that a lot of my interest had early roots in D&D games. :)


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