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your favorite helmet

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Sir Wolf:
what is your favorite helmet? have a picture of it? could be a real piece or a fantasy and doesn't have to be one you own. how would you make your kit if you had or could have that helmet? change anything?

Sir Brian:
heh, funny you started this topic because I had made some inquires of the Armorer from Red Falcon Armouries about him making a custom Klappvisor bascinet for me at the NCRF last weekend!  ;)

Sunday I had noticed his new leather pauldrons shaped like a skull and he mentioned that he could also make them in steel which caught my interest since I've been knocking around an idea from last year about having a helm with a visor in the shape of a griffon’s face. The gentleman was intrigued with the idea and I am supposed to contact him in a couple of weeks to find out approximately what the cost will be. So my “dream” helm could possibly become a reality…hopefully I won’t have to sell a kidney for it! ;)

Sir Matthew:
Tim from Red Falcon Armory made my leg armor and has done some other work for me, he does really nice work.  I think you'll be pleased. 

Funny you should BOTH mention that. My first SCA armor was composed of archer's knees, which are able to completely curve on themselves. I used these exclusively since I was a scout killer and could actually run full bore in them. I talked to Partha at NCRF and he said he could construct another set. SWEET! Especially since I'm looking into the pauldron set Sir Brian is referring to done in steel trimmed in brass!

Sir Brian:
Those would look fearsome AND cool!  8)


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