Main > The Armoury

different types of COPs

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Sir Edward:

I'm guessing you'd probably want to aim for about 16 ga steel plates.

Sir Matthew:
If it helps, the plates in my Brigandine are 2-3 mm thick.  This Brig was patterned after an example the guy who made it saw in a French museum.  I think he said it was dated mid-1500s, but maybe this gives you an idea what to shoot for.

Sir Ulrich:
I'd love to own one of those. Wonder how much reproductions run for...

Sir William:
Nice examples of the CoP; I'd be interested to see how yours comes out, Sir Brian, when you make it.

Sir Brian:
Yeah I'm afraid I had to back off from that idea...too many projects to work on this off season such as paint my soon to arrive new heater shield and make a new surcoat with my improved heraldry, so I may end up outsourcing the COP to a one of our resident armorers!  ;)


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