Main > The Armoury

Armor - pronunciation

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Sir Edward:

I was thinking about this again recently, and decided to take another look at the dictionary concerning the word "coif".

Here it says it's pronounced with the "koif" pronunciation typically, and "kwaf" in the second sense, which refers to an arrangement of hair.

I used to always pronounce it in the more French sort of "kwaf" in past years, but for the last few I've been trying to adjust to the anglicized "koif" pronunciation.

I really hope the dictionary is right on this one. I'd hate to keep flip-flopping back and forth.

What other pieces of armor do you think there's a lot of confusion on the pronunciation?

Sir Wolf:
gambeson/aketon/arming jacket/jack/ etc definitions

Sir Edward:
Yeah, my current understanding is that sallet, gorget, armet, tasset, and bascinet all have the same "et" as "helmet" or "wallet".

Sir Matthew:
I have heard sallet pronounced sal-lay and gorget pronounced Gor-jay.  The other two I have always heard -et as in hem-et.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, there's a strong tendency for people to want to pronounce them with a French pronunciations, but it's my understanding that they're English words (perhaps bastardizations of French words), and should have a hard T.


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