Main > The Round Table

My heraldry progress

<< < (6/13) > >>

Sir Edward:

The shield got here yesterday. You guys did a great job on it! Man, I gotta get cracking on the rest of the stencil designs.

Sir Brian:
Was the shade of blue ok?

Oh and don't forget to pick up some stencil adhesive...It will make you're stenciling
life a LOT easier!  ;)

Sir Edward:

The blue looks pretty good, but I haven't decided if I want to paint over it or not. I may try for a deeper color, but I'll look and see what's available. I'm being really indecisive because it looks very nice as it is. :)

Sir Wolf:
i thought it looked great

Sir Edward:

I think I need to take it outside and look at it in the sun. The lighting in my house sucks and I haven't had a chance to play with it all weekend! :)


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