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MD HEMA gathering in Jan 2010

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Sir Edward:
It's a shame we didn't post here about the MD HEMA gathering back in January. I'd love to drag a few more forum members out to one of these events. :)

Here's the web announcement:

I fought in a few bouts, but they didn't record much of it. Here's the clips I've gotten my hands on from one of my bouts:


I'm happy with these clips since I scored hits in both video fragments. :) Actually, I won the bout 5-0, but there was definitely one good solid hit to my mask that didn't get scored (not in the video). I was hoping to see the rest of it, since I find this useful for discovering my own bad habits.

I take it as a great compliment that after both bouts, people walked up to me and shook my hand and complimented me profusely, one of whom was an instructor at the event, so I guess I didn't look too bad. :)

Das Bill:
Yeah, I had that awesome bout with Jake Norwood (who is a phenomenal fencer... I had bruises for weeks afterward!), and got to view the video of that. We officially tied, though I'm not so sure if it was really a tie or not. I felt the judges made a lot of weird calls... They kept saying some things were doubles when only one of us had hit, or giving the hit to one of us when it was clearly a double. Its no big deal, I was just there to fence and have fun, and I don't think any of them had any previous experience directing bouts.

Still, it was a fun day. I wish I'd gotten to take Jake's messer class, but I was teaching at the same time.

Sir Edward:
Your bout looked great. Admittedly, from where I was sitting, it was sometimes hard to tell what was a double and what wasn't. But you're right, a lot of it was probably due to them not being used to judging.

I'm glad I went to this event. It was like a mini-WMAW.

Das Bill:
Speaking of mini-WMAW, you planning on going to Chivalric Weekend? *That's* definitely like a mini-WMAW in many ways, right down to the instructors.

Sir Edward:
I really wish I could! I was hoping to, but they put it on the one weekend that I already had plans for the summer. Grrr....


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