Main > The Great Hall

Captain Edward Reech, Kompanie De Vargr

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Captain Reech:
Hi everyone,

New to the forum, been re-enacting various periods for about 20 years now. Currently portraying an English 15th C Mercenary, either as an armoured man at arms or specialist Crossbowman/Gunner. We're UK based (Derbyshire) and spent a happy season last year with Buckinghams retinue (Warwick Castle, Bosworth Field and Blore Heath) and as the 'House Band' with Ravencrest at Tutbury Castle as a regular small event. My partner. Lady Elenna De Vargr is a historical seamstress ansd researcher and my two step sons (Tristan and Mathgwyne) are portraying a man at arms or gunner and an archer respectively.

Sir Edward:

Most excellent! Welcome to the forum!

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Welcome to the forum!  :)

Sir Wolf:
welcome! someone from my birth place! yeah!

Sir James (Fiat Lux):
Sounds like an interesting background, indeed! I look forward to reading of your exploits!


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