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Help fix boring Helm

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Frater de Beaumanoir on 2012-03-04, 23:00:21 ---
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2012-03-04, 13:01:32 ---Saw this and thought of Sir Nathan.

--- End quote ---

This is great! For Sir Nathan's Teutonic affliation I couldn't agree more!

--- End quote ---

Interesting, shield-shaped ailettes.

(edit: I know that you meant the helm crest, but the ailettes caught my eye second)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Fantastic  ;D

Sir William:
So, Sir Patrick...are you ready to create my dragon crest?  :)

I wanted a griffin but Sir Brian is really the knight of the griffin, it figures prominently in his arms, and I've seen lions statant and rampant amongst you fine fellows so the lion is out as well.  Hyena, perhaps?  I do so love to laugh...but no.  ;)

Sir Edward:
I wouldn't worry too much about using the same beasts as others, since there are only so many to go around. But there are many choices that people forget about, such as eagles, bats, deer, chickens, ravens, bonnacons (lol), wyverns, cockatrices, dogs, wolves, bears, anything really. And there are also the head-only versions. Or just a claw.

Sir Brian:
I’ve also liked some of the various fist helm crests or hands clenching a sword or such.  ;)


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