Main > The Round Table

Gifts for the kids

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Those are indeed the sort of people a shinai was invented for, lol.....
Bye the bye, welcome to the forum Paladin.... :)

Sir William:
Thank you, Sir Andrew, much obliged.  And we're agreed...but I have a question for you; what with MDRF's weapons policy, they seem to have no problem selling the shaped wooden clubs to all patrons.  Wonder if any bludgeonings have taken place thus far...

I'm not sure about this season my good Sir, but Sir edward, Sir Brian and myself all have horror stories in dealing with wooden wasters.... >:(

Sir William:
I've read some of them; I never knew that parents encouraged their kids to take a whack at other faire-goers...I mean, it can be all in good fun but how about asking first?  I think I commented in that thread that I'd start confiscating said sticks and using them on the offending parents should they ask for them back.  Jerks.

Sir Edward:

Thankfully such jerks are rare, but they're out there. It's re-assuring when the parents are on the ball though. This past weekend, I was sitting on a bench, with my helmet beside me. A little boy (probably about 3 or 4 years old) came up, and he started feeling and tapping the helmet. His parents quickly shouted over to him to stop. It was fine in this case, but I was pleased that his parents were right there and keeping a watchful eye.


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