Main > The Armoury


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Sir Edward:
Man, I'm definitely not buying more swords for a while. I just put myself in the queue this past week for a pair of custom scabbards. At least I have a year to save up, since that's about how long the backlog is for these.

I'm looking into one for my Albion Chevalier from Christian Fletcher, similar to this one but in blue and black:

And for my Albion Landgraf, I'm looking into one from DBK (in shades of brown) similar to this one:

That latter one is going to cost more than the sword!

Das Bill:
Yeah, I need to buy some scabbards for the swords I already have as well. I've been eyeing the DBK line, though you certainly can't go wrong with Christian Fletcher, either.

Lady of Shalott:
Sabersmith ( also makes scabbards and could make them for you.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-10-09, 15:20:02 ---And for my Albion Landgraf, I'm looking into one from DBK (in shades of brown) similar to this one:

--- End quote ---

This one should be well underway by now. I'll be sure to post pictures once it gets here!

Sir Brian:
So you may have it in time to show it off to us by VARF?  :)


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